Climate Bond Certification

Certification is available for assets and projects that meet the requirements of the Climate Bond Standards. In order to receive the “Climate Bond Certified” stamp of approval, a prospective issuer of a Green or Climate Bond must appoint an approved 3rd party verifier, who will provide a verification statement that the bond meets the Climate Bond Standard. The Climate Bond Standard allows Certification of a bond prior to its issuance, enabling the issuer to use the Climate Bond Certification Mark in marketing efforts and investor roadshows. EPIC is having competent resources to conduct climate bonds, social bonds verification across the world.

Awards & Recognitions

What our clients are saying

We congratulate EPIC for being adjudged as the Best Verifications Agency second year in succession. With our own experience with their team we feel that EPIC deserves to win these international awards. While conducting CDM audits, without making any compromise on regulatory compliance and time lines EPIC is discharging their duties very responsibly.
- Mr.S.U.Joshi, Director ofSahyadri Industries Limited, Pune, India : Expert manufacturer and service provider in Asia for infrastructure products and services

EPIC has been one of the most efficient and reliable DOE we have worked with in India and South East Asia for various CDM and VCS projects. They have extremely well qualified auditors and able senior management. We are really looking forward to continue working withthem.
- Mr.Santosh Kumar Singh, Regional Director ER Projects Southeast Asia, South Pole Group : Leading and World renowned carbon market player based in Zurich, Switzerland

After screening all DOEs operating in Latin Americain the last quarter of 2014, we at EssencisSoluçõesAmbientais S.A. ended up selecting the EPIC Sustainability for performing certification assessments (verifications) for the large landfill gas (LFG) collection and destruction CDM project activity implemented in our landfill located in Caieiras, São Paulo in Brazil. We are very happy with the assessments performed by EPIC and their superior technical approach. Furthermore, the very fast reaction time from EPIC technical and operational teams has been instrumental for successfully meeting the CER delivery schedule towards our current Annex-I project participant based in Europe.
- Mr. Fernando Souza Nazareth de Freitas, EssencisSoluçõesAmbientais S.A, SOLVI Group, Brazil : Leading organization involved in the running of many LFG projects in Latin America

EPIC Sustainability has always delivered the CDM and VCS project reports on scheduled time and their team was found to be very simple and attentive. They are very committed to accomplish the tasks in time with quality. We wish them all success in future.
- Mr.Bharathi Kannan Venkatachalam, Head of GHG & CDM Projects, Tamilnadu Spinning Mills Association TASMA, India : One of the World’s biggest renewal energy GHG/CDM project aggregators & developers

We confirm the quality of work of EPIC team for Gold Standard project verification. The technical knowledge of EPIC’s contribution allowed us to complete our Gold Standard project verification work well in time.
- Mr.StefanSontheimer, Directeur, Quadran Pacific, France :A leading renewal energy producer

We found EPIC team as receptive, professional and on time while delivering services throughout the engagement. In spite of the present carbon market conditions EPIC stayed the course to continue to work well in challenging times and industry.
- Ms.Vichitra Thiyagarajah, Country Manager for Malaysia and Group General Counsel, Alternative Energy Corporation, Singapore : A leading engineering and operations company with one of the largest portfolio of running waste water treatment plants and renewal energy projects

EPIC has carried out the CDM auditing work for our renewable energy projects in a record time and successfully met the strict time lines. We are confident that EPIC will continue to do good work in the industry.
- Mr.Gopal Gandhi, Head of Projects & Advisor, Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited, India : Owner of Mines &Renewable energy projects

News and Updates

EPIC participated as an exhibitor at Asia Pacific Carbon Forum 2016 at Jeju island, Republic of Korea during 5th to 7th September. We thank all for visiting our booth.

EPIC participated as an exhibitor at Africa Carbon Forum 2016 at Kigali, Rwanda during 28th to 30th June. We thank all for visiting our booth.

EPIC participated as an Exhibitor at Carbon Expo, Cologne, Germany during 25-27th May 2016 and thank all the visitors to the booth

EPIC Team had participated in COP 21 during December 2015 at Paris and was pleased with the signing of the historic and land mark Paris Climate Change Agreement

EPIC Team had participated in Jakarta Climate Festival and Forestry Conference supported by UN-REDD and conducted by Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia during February 2016

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